Breaking Changes

A data science blog

  1. When I started collecting and analysing Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s speeches and interview transcripts over a year ago for a blog post and Shiny app, I hardly believed he would still be Prime Minister come the next election. With the election today, this is very possibly Scott Morrison’s last day as PM. In honour of the occasion, this is a special edition post about ScoMo’s language use during the election campaign. Read More…

  2. Since becoming Prime Minister in 2018, Scott Morrison has spoken publicly almost every day. Transcripts of all speeches, interviews, and press conferences are available on the Prime Minister’s website, which means we can analyse ScoMo’s language over this whole period (August 2018 - March 2021). This dataset includes 988 transcripts. In this post I will: Compare frequently used words and phrases before and during the pandemic. Read More…